Welcome To Our Exclusive "Passive Income Club"
Welcome To Our Exclusive "Passive Income Club"
systeme.io is a highly sought after all-in-one marketing platform that helps you create and launch sales funnels, affiliate programs, email marketing campaigns*, online courses, blogs, and websites.
* We will be utilizing systeme.io's email marketing platform however, you will also have access to all of systeme.io's other features.
"With Google and Yahoo's new policies, emails sent from a free email address are likely to end up in the spam box and hurt your business. Therefore the recommendation is to send emails from your own custom domain".
systeme.io will take you through the process to set up your custom domain.
For the process of proving to yourself that this system works, you will now join systeme.io's "Free" plan where you are allowed 2,000 contacts and 1 email campaign.
Email your 2,000 leads for free.
And again, if you are not happy with your trial result, email Ross (ross.taylor@how-to-achieve-anything-guaranteed.com) for the “$50 for 5,000 leads” deal (refer back to “Cliqly” for details).
Here is some leads information, the autoresponder set-up steps for systeme.io's email marketing platform and the email swipes to send to your leads. Simply make the changes in the emails as indicated.
You will have about 5,000 leads remaining (7,000 leads obtained less the 2,000 leads you have already emailed = 5,000).
You now have to upgrade to the "Unlimited" plan for $97 per month (unlimited contacts) so that you can email the remaining 5,000 leads and then go on to email 10,000 leads per month.
IMPORTANT: You are still on a "Free" plan. To ensure I am credited with the passive income payments of $58.20 per month from your $97 per month membership of the "Unlimited" plan, you must upgrade using my "systeme.io" affiliate link.
Please note:
1. Do not accept any discount offers - if you do, the monthly recurring commission will be reduced.
2. Do join the "Unlimited" plan for $97 per month (do not select the 'yearly' option) - with the monthly plan the recurring commission will be $58.20 per month (60% x $97) for each person recruited to systeme.io.
Email those 5,000 leads using the same process.
Then you want to go on and email 10,000 contacts per month.
10,000 x 0.5% conversion x $58.20 = $2,910 in month 1, $5,820 in month 2, $8,730 in month 3 and so on in passive income. That is, your passive income from those 10,000 contacts increases exponentially by $2,910 every month to the point where at 6 months you will be making $209,520 per year in passive income!
Again, here is some leads information, the autoresponder set-up steps for systeme.io's email marketing platform and the email swipes to send to your leads. Simply make the changes in the emails as indicated.
Copyright © 2018 onwards
Note: The examples and income statements shown on this website are for demonstration purposes only. Results will vary based on how well you follow instructions, your efforts and other factors outside of our control.
Reproduction or duplication of this website or its contents without express written consent is strictly prohibited. Any such breach will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Refer to our Terms of Service.
How To Achieve Anything - GUARANTEED! - All Rights Reserved.
The founder of this system:
E-mail: ross.taylor@how-to-achieve-anything-guaranteed.com
Ross Taylor: 60 Barragowa Drive, Capel Sound. 3940 AU
I may receive payment with products or services featured on this website.
Welcome to the "Passive Income Club":